#identity #gender #body #creation
#masculinity.es #representations #diversity

Screening 1

Fri 09 October 2020
Tri Postal — Screening room — 17:00

Gabriel Andreu

I am Going to Cry for All the Men Who didn’t Cry / Voy a Llorar por Todos los Hombres que no Lloraron — UK — 2017 — 6.17'

As an actor my profession forces me to express feelings on command. As a boy I was told, “Boy’s Don’t Cry”. Boys are effectively detached from their emotions and feelings; this emotional cost exacted by our culture turns emotionally whole little boys into emotionally debilitated men. For me, to study drama was a way to reconnect with my emotions and feelings again, to be free. With this piece I want to shed the tears that all the men have held back through the ages.

Venecia Flúor

EGO Y SOMBRA — ES — 2018 — 4.21'

Directed by Aimée Duchamp, Fito Conesa y Siddharth Singh. Produced by Bonita Machina. Client Venecia Flúor.

Joanna Pawlik


The video entitled “I lift my lamp beside the golden door”makes the audience realise that the beauty of a person stems from their very existence, the good they have in themselves, and not from the fact that they fit the generally accepted aesthetic or intellectual standards or not. Agata Wąsik sings a song by Tori Amos entitled Winter. She confronts the audience with non-standard images of persons whose appearance or method of communication may raise discomfort in the recipients


LOOP — DE — 2018 — 5.45'

animated . bruce is a 31 year old gay man. he never lived the classic scenario “boy meets boy in a bar”. in search of love, he uses a dating app. what does he find? fast adventure and hopefully his dream man.

Screening 1